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Guide to Primary Care

Guide to Primary Care

Modern general practice is delivered by a mixed portfolio of healthcare professionals supporting the doctors. With the development of Primary Care Networks the team will further expand to clinicians such as Mental health Practitioners and Physiotherapists in the future.

GP Partner

Dr Abrams is a single partner at Great Homer Street Medical Centre. This means he owns the business that is contracted to provide General Medical Services under contract to the NHS. As well as seeing patients he does make time to look after the management and administration of the practice.

Other GPs

Dr Mason and Dr Ahmed are members of the clinical team but do not have their own list of registered patients.

Practice Nurses

Alison is our Practice Nurse and she is a vital part of our primary healthcare team. Our practice nurse will be involved in almost every aspect of patient care and treatment, undertaking such tasks as:

  • Helping people manage long term conditions such as diabetes, asthma and COPD
  • Health screening
  • Family planning
  • Running vaccination programmes
  • Administering child immunisations

The role allows her to develop long term relationships with individuals and families, managing their conditions and improving physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Watch a short video produced by NHS called 'A Day in The Life of a Practice Nurse'

Health Care Assistants (HCA)

Demi is our HCA and she is a central part of the healthcare team at Great Homer Street Medical Centre. Supplementing and supporting the work of our practice nurse, she carries out a wide range of tasks which includes.
  • Phlebotomy
  • Administering some vaccinations and immunisations
  • Conducting reviews with people with long term conditions such as Hypertension and diabetes
  • Health reviews and the provision of lifestyle advice
Watch a short video produced by the NHS called 'A Day in The Life of a Health Care Assistant'


ARRS Staff

The role and responsibilities of ARRS (Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme) staff within a Primary Care Network (PCN):

ARRS staff within a Primary Care Network (PCN) play a crucial role in enhancing the delivery of healthcare services by providing specialized support and improving patient care. These staff members, such as physiotherapists, paramedics, clinical pharmacists, social prescribers, and care coordinators, are recruited to address specific health needs within the community. Their responsibilities include delivering direct patient care, supporting health assessments, managing long-term conditions, and promoting prevention and well-being. ARRS staff work collaboratively with GP practices and other health professionals to improve patient access to services, reduce pressures on GP practices, and support the broader goals of the PCN, including improving health outcomes and addressing health inequalities. By expanding the healthcare workforce, ARRS staff help ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time, in the right setting.

Junior Doctors /Trainee Doctors

Medical graduates enter the medical workforce as ‘junior doctors’ on a two year work based training
programme. This is known as the ‘foundation programme’ and is the first level of clinical training for qualified doctors that bridges the gap between medical school and specialty training.

The foundation programme is carried out in hospitals and the two years are often referred to as ‘FY1’ (foundation year one) or ‘FY2’ (foundation year two) by medical staff, and as such, junior doctors on the foundation programme may introduce themselves to patients as an ‘FY1’ or ‘FY2’ doctor. Foundation Stage 2 Doctors complete a four-month rotation in General Practice and work under the supervision of our experienced GPs.

Completion of FY1 allows junior doctors to gain full registration with the GMC and completion of FY2 allows them to apply for further study and training in a specialised area of medicine such as  general practice.

Typically the speciality trainee (ST) doctors that work at the surgery and are in the third and final year of their qualification to be a GP and are known as ST3 doctors and also, sometimes, as Registrars.

Our Team